Can I Use WordPress For A Business Website Featured Image

Can I Use WordPress For A Business Website?

Have you ever thought, can I use WordPress for a business website? In today’s post we will go over using WordPress for a business website.

Can you use WordPress for a business website?

Absolutely, yes you can use WordPress for a business website. WordPress is used for more business websites than any other platform.

Should I use WordPress for business website?

Again, the answer here is yes you should use WordPress for your business website.

Why use WordPress for business website

  • Themes
  • Plugins
  • Developers
  • Cost
  • Ease of editing content
  • Blog potential

WordPress is used on over a third of all websites. Because of its popularity there are tons of resources available. These resources allow you to do just about anything with WordPress.

There are thousands if not millions of themes available for WordPress. Themes control the look and design of your WordPress site. There are themes to make your website look any way you want. Everything from general themes that will make any business website look good to specific themes for every industry.

To learn more about themes, check out my post Best Free Themes For Your WordPress Blog

Just like themes there is an insane amount of WordPress plugins available. Plugins change functionality of WordPress or add new features. Want to add and e-commerce store to your business website? There is a plugin for that. There are plugins for just about everything you can imagine. That availability helps your business website do whatever you want it to.

See the Recommended Best WordPress Plugins List for my favorite WordPress plugins.

If you need help with your business’ website or something custom built there are a lot of WordPress developers. Because WordPress is popular it means there are a lot of people involved with it. This is great for you, you won’t have trouble finding someone who can help you with WordPress. Some other platforms may not have the kind of support.

Another reason to use WordPress is that the software itself is totally free. Yes you will need to pay a company for hosting and you need to pay yearly to renew your domain name but WordPress is free. Not only is WordPress free but there are tons of free themes and plugins available as well. Many businesses can build a WordPress website using only free tools.

The biggest problem with having a website built for you is getting updates and edits to content. WordPress is so easy to use that even if you have a developer build you a WordPress website for your business, you will be able to easily edit the content.

As we’ve discussed WordPress isn’t just for blogs even though it is a blogging platform. You don’t have to have a blog but using WordPress gives you the potential option to have a blog for your business.

How to use WordPress for business website

To use WordPress for a business website, you have to install it just like for any WordPress website.

If you don’t already have WordPress installed. See my guide How to start a website to learn how to setup a WordPress website for business. I also have free live chat on that page to help you get started.

Once it is installed you will want to create pages for your business. Most businesses have the following pages:

  • Home
  • Services/Products
  • About
  • Contact
  • Privacy
  • Terms of use
  • Blog (you leave this page blank, just have the title)

You can create those pages in the WordPress dashboard by going to Pages > Add New.

Once you have created the webpages for your business, you will want to go to Appearance > Menus and create a menu. Make sure to put all of your pages on the menu so that your customers can find everything they are looking for on your website.

Along with having a menu, you will want to set your home page as the home when people come to your site.

To do this, from your WordPress dashboard select Settings > Reading. Your homepage displays, set this as a static page and in the drop down menus select your homepage and blog posts page. Remember to click save changes at the bottom of the page. You can see my settings in the screenshot below.

how to set a static homepage wordpress

Once you have set your posts page as shown above to the blank page you created earlier, it will display your blog posts automatically.


Are you still wondering, can I use WordPress for business website? I hope not. You can and should use WordPress for your business website. If you need help getting started feel free to contact me.

If you have questions or comments for this post be sure to put them in the Pro Site Help Facebook group and I will reply to all of them.

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